Unity: Integrate the Advertisement package and monetize your game (Part 1/4)

Needone App
3 min readAug 22, 2020


Install the Advertisement package and setup environment

There are few things needed before integration, and first of all you need to install the Unity Advertisement package:

Step 1: Install Unity Advertisement package:

Till now, the latest version is 3.4.7, you can use newer version if you like.

Step 2: Integrate the project to Unity Advertisement

In the Unity project, open up the Services:

By default Ads is turned off, click off button to enable this service, suggest to have the Test mode is on,

After enabling, go to the dashboard and find your project:

Unity Ads will automatically generate two Game IDs for your, one is for App Store and one is for Google Play, keep those two ids as we will use them later. Also you can find out there are two types of ads we can use at the moment:

  • video. As known as Interstitial ads. It is a short full screen video that will last 10~30 seconds, which is most used when the game level finished or transit from one screen to another.
  • rewardedVideo: It is also a short video, same as above, however this type of ads added callbacks functions that it will know the when and whether the players finished watching the advertisement. This type is quite common when players want to a certain function. For example, the game can give extra in-game currency to player when they watched the ads.
  • Banner. It is a small rectangle area which will always be placed on the screen.

Note: if the player don’t finish watching the ads, developer will have little even $0 from the adv payment system. But banner ads have a different way of calculating the earnings. More details can be found at: https://support.unity3d.com/hc/en-us/sections/201163835-Ads-Publishers?_ga=2.208071954.142435553.1598127768-1276471374.1591008304

What is the next from here?

Originally published at https://hackingwithunity.com on August 22, 2020.



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